
Through our years of study and personal experience, we've come to agree with Hippocrates, the ancient Greek father of medicine, when he wrote, "For this is the great error of our day, that the physicians separate the soul from the body."

Hypnosis is an excellent tool to help individuals overcome unwanted habits, improve self-confidence, enhance healing and release unnatural fears and phobias. It allows us to gain control over our 'unconscious' processes. Using hypnosis, we can affect emotional states, blood pressure, relaxation, and much more.

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a normal, naturally occurring state. Everyone experiences it from one to many times a day. We all enter the hypnotic state just before we fall asleep at night, when we are no longer completely awake and yet not quite asleep. The brainwaves at this time are just like the brainwaves when you are in an induced state of hypnosis.
Other examples of everyday hypnotic experience include:

  • Daydreaming

  • Driving

  • Reading a book

  • Watching television

  • Playing a sport

So why are these like hypnosis?

One way to describe hypnosis is as a state of resolutely focused attention. In daydreaming, your attention is filled by your memories and imagination. External reality 'fades away.' Thus your attention is fixated inwardly.

When you drive, especially on long, boring journeys, you can daydream too. In this case, your subconscious is doing the driving. Even though you are not paying attention to where you are geographically, you are driving safely. Your subconscious mind is also protecting you, because you are keeping a safe distance between your car and the car in front of you and you are subconsciously paying attention to the oncoming traffic. Hence you can arrive and not remember how you got there, or what you did along the way (hypnotic amnesia).

When reading a good book or watching television, you can become so absorbed that you notice nothing else around you. This is the same principal as when someone has an operation under hypnosis; the attention is so absorbed by something else that the pain is not perceived.

When playing a sport well, your attention is fixed on the game at hand. Crowd noise, pain and other elements fade out of awareness.

Your subconscious mind will also protect you when you are in hypnosis for you will not do anything that is against your personal or moral convictions. If a suggestion were given that was against your personal or moral convictions, you would either ignore the suggestion or you would bring yourself out of hypnosis. You are in control. The hypnotist’s job is to be a very good guide, supporting you in your inner work and transformation while feeling safe and comfortable.

How does it work? What can it do for me?

Hypnotherapy allows you to focus inward in a relaxed, open attitude in order to make profound changes. Put aside negative habits and emotions, fears, doubts, anxieties and self-limiting concepts while enjoying the experience of profound relaxation. Hypnosis will help you to rediscover your innate truth, beauty, goodness, commitment and achieve your greatest potential.

Remember, what you think is what you get.

Hypnosis means making a powerful working connection between your conscious, subconscious and unconscious minds and being in fuller control of your thought patterns. If you think you can - you will. It all begins in the mind.

People set too many boundaries. They limit themselves. The idea that your mental world has impact on your physical world is not new. Over two thousand years ago, in 19 BC, the poet Virgil wrote in the Aeneid, “Mind moves matter.” Using mind over matter works, and it means that your mind definitely matters. This means that you can take charge of your life by taking charge of your thoughts.